Blue Door Project Management LLC

Functional Success for Home and Business

What is Functional Success?

All projects require proper scoping, planning and execution.  This is true for home improvement projects to large corporate capital projects.  Having a clear vision and understanding of the required outcome aligns goals to the project tasks for a more thoughtful scope and plan creation.  At completion it is important for the project to be functional for the homeowner, business owner or corporation, otherwise it can not be truly labeled as successful.  Asking the question: "What do we want the end result of this project to do for me/us/the company?" is a good place to start.

I maintain a focus on the overall outcome goals throughout the project lifecycle and even perform periodic "check-ins" to determine if goals have changed.  It's Ok to change.  It's not OK to ignore the change and keep going.  Customer satisfaction is an important measurement of project success along with meeting other metrics such as budget and schedule.

What is Functional Success?

At completion it is important for the project to be functional for the homeowner, business owner or corporation, otherwise it can not be truly labeled as successful.  Asking the question: "What do we want the end result of this project to do for me/us/the company?" is a good place to start.

I maintain a focus on the overall outcome goals throughout the project lifecycle and even perform periodic "check-ins" to determine if goals have changed.


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